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Who is sweet (by scobby)

 scobby (2)    (29 / M-F / Ghana)
26-Feb-15 12:47 am
Let us be friends if you are sweet



26-Feb-15 12:53 am
@scobby: How about.. Sweet & Sassy?
I growl at you now. Ggrruu.. Hhhaa.
Try inboxing people & posting on OTHER people's threads to make friends.



26-Feb-15 2:28 am
Who is sweet

Its actually "Sweeter" but we call her Sweets or Sweet.......

God shes gonna kill me lol



Last edited by WalkSoftly; 26-Feb-15 2:29 am.
26-Feb-15 2:46 am
Who is sweet

Its actually "Sweeter" but we call her Sweets or Sweet.......

God shes gonna kill me lol
Lmfao! I thought it too! : ) We love our Sweets!



26-Feb-15 8:08 am
Who is sweet

Its actually "Sweeter" but we call her Sweets or Sweet.......

God shes gonna kill me lol
At least it's not the "crapper" pic! Hehe



26-Feb-15 8:09 am
@SammyToo: <3 <3



 bobbykingz (0)   (33 / M-F / India)
5-Apr-18 6:36 am
How do you identify who's sweet



 bobbykingz (0)   (33 / M-F / India)
11-Apr-18 4:58 pm
Sweet things kills



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