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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zilya777 !!! (by pinket)

 Babydovy01 (76)    (34 / F-MF / Nigeria)
12-Jan-15 9:28 am
@messageandreply: which of them, sis, inbox me.



 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
15-Jan-15 10:30 am
Belated birthday wishes Tee !
how could i miss it :-\



15-Jan-15 10:45 am
Belated birthday wishes Tee !
how could i miss it :-\
.. I know you were offline & wayyyy... busy. Thank you Sighn :-)



 texman29 (6)    (40 / M-F / Texas)
15-Jan-15 10:50 am
Happy belated birthday!



15-Jan-15 10:56 am
Happy belated birthday!
Why.. Thank you Texman from Texas :-)



15-Jan-15 10:59 am
Happy Birthday
Thank you.. (Sorry for that delay)
I was distracted by cake & shiney



 texman29 (6)    (40 / M-F / Texas)
15-Jan-15 12:00 pm
@Zilya777: ur very welcome



 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
4-Jan-18 2:06 pm
Happy Birthday Tee :*
You know that you are the most kind and beautiful person . Always be happy and may all your wishes come true this year .



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