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Happy 71st Independence Day INDIA (by Singhpk)

 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
15-Aug-17 4:01 am



Last edited by Singhpk; 15-Aug-17 4:07 am.
 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
15-Aug-17 4:10 am

Lemme help a brotha out I hope



 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
15-Aug-17 4:42 am
@MrWalkSoftly: thanks bro .
I can't understand why the pic would not show up when i do it .



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
15-Aug-17 4:49 am
@MrWalkSoftly: thanks bro .
I can't understand why the pic would not show up when i do it .
Don't know....I quoted your post to get the url page and it led me to the whole article instead of just the pic. From that article, I long pressed the pic to open it to its own page and copied that link and Waalah, there it is.

*For clarity, I'm on a phone, Android, not a computer.



Last edited by MrWalkSoftly; 15-Aug-17 4:54 am.
 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
15-Aug-17 2:23 pm



 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
15-Aug-17 2:25 pm

I think i figured it out :)



Last edited by Singhpk; 15-Aug-17 2:30 pm.
 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
15-Aug-17 3:14 pm
A happy Independence Day to you my friend



 Singhpk (27)      (44 / M-F / Uttar Pradesh)
15-Aug-17 7:20 pm
@BigPapaRedneck: Thank you my friend :)



 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
15-Aug-17 7:46 pm
@BigPapaRedneck: Thank you my friend :)
You're very welcome.



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