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Getting "type" box was empty error when trying to send messages (by thedreamer88)

 LuckyOkpo (0)   (46 / M-F / Nigeria)
11-Aug-13 4:10 pm
Pls how do i sent a message to someone too,so that went he or she sent a message to my box,hw do i reply him or she



 wanderingirish (12)    (47 / M-F / South Carolina)
11-Aug-13 4:12 pm
Scroll down just a bit, and hit the "reply" button.



11-Aug-13 6:13 pm
Heres a thought i know that happens when there is a chat request pending and the screen is constantly refreshing is that whats goinp on with any of you



11-Oct-13 2:40 pm
I am having the same issue. this is agravating. it happens in half my messages i try to send



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