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Why are some women so attracted to guys in jail? (by Hawkeye58)
Or criminals that will most likely end up in jail? Are there just not enough decent law abiding guys around? I've never been in jail and would never choose to do anything that might put me there, and any rational person knows that causing a crime is a choice, not a mistake! Just like cheating on someone is a choice and not a mistake!
I guess I fall under that category....I feel like they need me, to help, and share emotional support. Everyone makes mistakes in life, some worse then others, and everyone asks for attention in different way. They need help, encouragement, many just need to be loved, or to be showed a different road. If everyone turns their back on them then they have no one or anything other then the criminal life. I think its a challenge to show a criminal what we all seek for. But they are humans too...just need a lil extra encouragement
Last edited by Briteeyes; 13-Mar-13 3:37 am.
@Briteeyes: yeah, but is THAT really worth all the possible risks involved??
@Hawkeye58: No a lot of the times its not. I grew up with it in my daily life, so I know and see it differently then many people. I understand them better, not ALL prisoners but some. But when it puts mine or my kids life in jeopardy its another story
@Briteeyes: that's exactly what I mean. I truly don't understand why someone would get or stay involved with someone who might cost them thousands of dollars, has ruined their life and probably their family's life, when there are so many guys out there that that have never been to jail, and are decent people that would never make a choice to do something that might put them there. I honestly don't understand the thought process for wanting to be with a man like that.
when I went to jail it's because I stabbed somebody with scissors in self defense
A lot of times its not WANTING to be involved with it. I myself don't go out seeking a criminal, but if I meet one I judge him as a man. In other situations if u are already involved then u are just dealt with it without a choice. Like my dad was in & out of prison...nothing I could do about it but love him & deal with it. My sons father was in prison before I met him again nothing I could do...but if I didn't give him a chance I wouldn't have my baby. I just judge everyone equally...some don't deserve it...many don't actually...but some deserve a chance. Like I was almost arrested today for knowledge I had..don't mean I'm a criminal tho
i dated a guy that was on the run. Dont know what the hell i was thinking. But i wont do it again. Turned him in after he told me he would burn my house down w me n my boys in it. I could be friends but thats it.
@Deadlyrose32: good for you Rose! But I don't know if I'd even stay friends with someone like that. NOT IF THEY THREATENED MY OR MY KIDS LIFE!
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